Starting your life France

Starting your life in France is just my summary of our four-year journey so far. If you’re one of the lucky ones moving to France then this post is for you. The four-year mark of us moving here will be rolling around November and I certainly can’t believe how fast it has gone and how much I have learned and am still learning. Come and read more about how to survive and actually live well in France as a foreigner.
Sommerskos op die tafel met Marita van der Vyver

Om die tafel met Marita van der Vyver, is ‘n droom onderhoud wat ‘n werklikheid geword het vir my. Nie net is sy ‘n ikoniese skrywer nie, maar sommer ‘n bobaas kook ook. Somerkos in Provence is sowaar net ‘n voorsmakie van die “creme de la creme” lewe van Marita van der Vyver in Frankryk. Ek het behoorlik gesmul toe ek deur haar Somerkos in Provence kosboek blaai en ek kon nie wag om elke resep te probeer nie.
An Unexpected Birth plan

An unexpected birth plan was my birth plan indeed, read a bit more about my experience on my exceeding my due date, being induced and finally having a cesarean.
40w Plus Pregnant in FR-What now?

40w Plus Pregnant in FR-What now? Yes, I am still here with my big baby bump. With my due date only a couple of days away. I can’t help but feel that I am going to be pregnant forever! What happens if I go past my due date and natural labor inducing methods has obviously worked so well for me? Find out more here!
What to expect when you’re expecting in FR

What to expect when you’re expecting in FR- Here I am awake at four pm once again…The joys or pregnancy!! I know that I will look back and it will all be a distant memory, but with only a few short weeks to go, I kind of need my beauty sleep right now. Pregnant in a foreign country has certainly been quite an experience for sure.
Traveling Italy

Traveling Italy, was one of my most memorable trips thus far! I was bedazzled by the Italian charm and intrigued by their history and culture. Overwhelmed by the beauty and smothered by uncountable amounts of tourists. All as it should be, though. I was prepared. So I thought…