Watermelon avocado savoury granola salad

Recipe Gallery Share the Love Recipe 0 Prep Time 0 Cook Time Serves 2 4 – 6 People Difficulty  0 Beginner Ingredients 2 cups seedless watermelon cut into small chunks  1 cup diced strawberries  1/2 cup diced cucumber slices  1-1/2 cup shelled edamame baby spinach  rocket leaves  medium ripe avocado, diced  fresh herbs vegan feta or mozarella  Dressing  1/4 cup soy sauce  1/4 cup sesame oil  2-3 tbsp balsamic vinegar or rice wine vinegar or lime juice  1 tsp Dijon mustard 1/2 tsp lime or lemon zest  1 crushed garlic clove salt and pepper to taste  Savoury Granola: store-bought from babylonstoren  Homemade version  1 cup rolled or quick oats  1/4 cup pumpkin seeds  1/4 cup sunflower seeds  1 tbsp flax seeds  1-2 tbsp almond flour  1/3 cup coconut oil  1/4 cup raw honey  1/2 tsp ground cumin  1/2 tsp ground coraindre 1/4 tsp ground turmeric  1/4 tsp ground cinnamon  pinch of salt  Method If you’re making your own granola, add the oats & seeds to a pan and toast on medium heat until fragrant, add the spices and toast a bit more before adding in the coconut oil and honey. Lastly add the salt, removing it from the heat to cool while you make the salad.  Wash and pat dry the salad leaves and layer at the bottom of the salad, add the diced watermelon pieces, sliced strawberry, cucumber, edamame, and avocado.  Mix the salad dressing well and then drizzle over the salad before serving with a few tbsp of the granola, and some fresh herbs like basil and mint.  Photo Gallery Hope you love this refreshing and delicious salad! M*

Easy Fattoush salad

Recipe Gallery Share the Love Recipe 0 Prep Time 0 Cook Time Serves 2 4 – 6 People Difficulty 0 Beginner Ingredients 2 cups cos lettuce diced 1 cup tomatoes diced 1 cup mini cucumbers diced 1/2 cup sliced radishes 1/3 cup chopped parsley 1/4 cup chopped mint 1 cups toasted wrap cubes (slice one large wrap, toss in olive oil, salt, and pepper, and roast or air fry until crispy) Dressing: 1 crushed garlic clove 1/4 cup lemon juice 1/4 cup raw honey or pomegranate molasses from @woolworths_sa 1/4 cup olive oil 1 tsp sumac 1 tsp za’atar @theoldstonemill 1/2 tsp dried mint or dill Salt and pepper to taste Method Add all of the salad ingredients to a bowl, add the dressing ingredients into a jar, shake together and dress the salad right before serving! Enjoy as a main or side dish. Photo Gallery Hope you love this super flavourful salad as much as I do! M*

Tomato tarte tatin


Recipe Gallery Share the Love Tomato tarte Tatin is one of the most amazing recipes there ever was if you’re a tomato lover that is. I went for lunch at a famous country restaurant nearby. It was a tappa styled entreé spread that had different plats that you could choose from. One of the tappa styled plates was the tomato tarte Tatin. One bite and I was soled. It was absolute heaven.   Tomato tarte Tatin is one of the most amazing recipes there ever was if you’re a tomato lover that is. I went for lunch at a famous country restaurant nearby. It was a tappa styled entreé spread that had different plats that you could choose from. One of the tappa styled plates was the tomato tarte Tatin. One bite and I was soled. It was absolute heaven.   I used the very same pie dough that I made the cherry plum galettes with and it worked so very well with tomatoes too. Spelt flour is just such an amazing gluten-free flour that I would recommend above them all. I really want to make vegan puff pastry and that is going to be a task on its own, so when I get the recipe down for that I’m definitely making this recipe with puff pastry. I never thought that I love tomatoes so much up until we moved to France and all the farmer’s markets sold these juice heirloom tomatoes. I am more of a petit tomatoes fan than big juicy tomatoes. They have more taste and sweetness to them. The juice big tomatoes are great as tomato farci or used when making a bolognaise. Coeur de boeuf they are called, but you get different varieties and not even the guys that grew them at the market could explain his cross combination tomatoes.   I guess that is one thing I learned from my mother, she always says she can never eat lunch or dinner without tomatoes and you know what, it certainly is true for me too. This recipe is fresh, light and so perfect for a summer lunch idea or a light dinner. I am in love with balsamic also by the way, if you haven’t realized it yet and obviously the balsamic is such a good combination with this recipe. Fresh basil and roasted pine nuts give that something-something to this recipe. It is seriously so so easy to make. I just love this recipe and made it even twice in a row, after my husband got a bit over tomato tart for a while. But I will never say no because it is just that good. One bite and you’ll see me doing my happy dance.   Recipe 0 Prep Time 0 Cook Time Serves 4 4 – 6 People Ingredients Dough 1/4 cup coconut oil 1 1/4 cup almond flour or shredded coconut 1 1/4 cup spelt flour (other gluten-free flours will work well too, or normal unbleached white flours) 1/4 cup water 1/4 tsp salt 2 cups sliced mini heirloom (cherry tomatoes)   Balsamic syrup 1/3 cup balsamic vinegar 1/4 cup coconut sugar pinch of salt Method Preheat oven to 175 degrees Celcius.Mix together the flours and the salt and then pour in the melted coconut oil and add the water bit by bit until a dough forms. Place the dough on a floured surface and then roll the dough out very thin in a round shape like the tart tin. Lay down the tomatoes face up in a round tart pan (loose bottom is not ideal, because the balsamic syrup will leak out), drizzle over the balsamic syrup and lay over the pie dough, tucking in the sides. Bake for 15-20 minutes till brown on top and then remove to cool before flipping over the tarte tatin.Serve at room temperature with a side salad tossed with basil, rocket and olive oil. Balsamic syrup  Place all the ingredients in a saucepan and let it simmer for 10 minutes till it starts to thicken, let it cool down before drizzling it on the tomatoes. Notes: Make use of a plate to flip over the tarte tatin. Sprinkle over some extra salt before serving time This recipe goes great with fresh rocket as well. Photo Gallery In other news, I am updating my website. What would you guys like to see more or less of? Let me know via sending me an email. Would love to hear from you! M*

Sommerskos op die tafel met Marita van der Vyver

Om die tafel met Marita van der Vyver, is ‘n droom onderhoud wat ‘n werklikheid geword het vir my. Nie net is sy ‘n ikoniese skrywer nie, maar sommer ‘n bobaas kook ook. Somerkos in Provence is sowaar net ‘n voorsmakie van die “creme de la creme” lewe van Marita van der Vyver in Frankryk. Ek het behoorlik gesmul toe ek deur haar Somerkos in Provence kosboek blaai en ek kon nie wag om elke resep te probeer nie.