Creamed spinach puffs

Recipe Gallery Share the Love Recipe 0 Prep Time 0 Cook Time Serves 4 4 – 6 People Difficulty  0 Beginner Ingredients 4 cups washed baby spinach  1/2 cup vegan cream cheese  1/2 cup silken or crumbed firm tofu  1/3 cup soy milk or coconut milk  1/4 cup cornstarch  1/4 cup nutritional yeast  salt and pepper to taste  1/4 cup chopped onion  garlic flakes  puff pastry  some milk or melted butter to brush  sesame seeds  Method Add some olive oil to a pan and add the chopped onion, and garlic flakes and fry until fragrant, add the spinach and let it wilt.  Then add the vegan cream cheese, tofu, and mash until well combined.  Add the nutritional yeast, salt and pepper to taste.  Then mix the milk and the cornstarch add the slurry to the spinach mixture and let it cook for 2-3 minutes until the mix starts to thicken.  Let it cool. Roll out the puff pastry and add to the edge about 1cm from the side, roll up the puff pastry and the roll up, brush with melted butter/soy milk, and slice, add some sesame seeds on top and then place on a baking tray with parchment paper.  Bake for 15-18 minutes until golden, serve with some salad or ketchup or freeze for future use.  Photo Gallery Hope you love this recipe as much as I do! Have a lovely blessed easter** M*

Wellington pie

Recipe Gallery Share the Love Recipe 0 Prep Time 0 Cook Time Serves 4 4 – 6 People Difficulty  0 Beginner Ingredients 1/2 onion diced 2 cups cooked butternut 1 cup cooked brown lentils 1 cup diced mushrooms 1/4 cup dried cranberries 1 tbsp buttanutt almond macadamia nut butter Olive oil to fry 1/2 tsp ground cumin 1/2 tsp curry powder 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce 1/4 cup apricot chutney Salt and pepper to taste 3-4 small beets sliced 1/3 cup cornstarch mixed with 1/2 cup Buttanut almond milk to make a paste Puff pastry Vegan butter to brush Sesame seeds to top   Buttanutt mushroom gravy 1 cup mushrooms diced 1 1/2 cup Buttanutt almond milk 1 tbsp almond butter 1-2 tbsp soy sauce 1/4 cup nutritional yeast Pinch of salt Dash of cracked black pepper 1 1/2 tbsp cornstarch Method Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Add some olive oil to a pan and add in the diced onion and the mushrooms, then spicedand dry a bit more until fragrant. Add the cooked butternut and lentils and mix and mash well before adding in the nut butter,chutney, and cornstarch slurry. Mix until thickened and remove to cool. Layer out the puff pastry and slice 1cm longer around the baking dish, spray the baking dish with baking spray, and then layer the bottom layer with the puff pastry, add the cooled lentil filling, add the sliced beets, and press them in. Press out star shapes with the rest of the puff pastry and add on top of the filling, brush with butter, and sprinkle on sesame seeds. Bake for 25-30 minutes until cooked and golden on top, let it cool slightly, serve, and enjoy!7. For the Buttanut gravy, add the mushrooms to a pan with some oil and fry until fragrant, add a bit of water if needed. Then add 1 cup of the milk and the nut butter, mix the rest of the milk with the corn starch, and add it to the gravy along with the soy sauce and the nutritional yeast. Let it thicken and some more salt and pepper to taste before serving with the pie. Photo Gallery Hope you love this crispy and super flavourful pie! M*

Brown rice cauliflower wreath

Recipe Gallery Share the Love Recipe 0 Prep Time 0 Cook Time Serves 4 4 – 6 People Difficulty  0 Beginner Ingredients 1 large sheet puff pastry ( you can use two sheets if you like) 1 large red onion 2 cups lightly steamed, diced cauliflower 1 1/2 cups cooked butternut 1 cup cooked brown rice or quinoa Olive oil 2-3 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1-2 tbsp Van Loveren Absolute Zero Sauvignon blanc 2-3 tbsp raw honey or brown sugar 1/2 tsp yellow mustard seeds 1/2 tsp curry powder 1 heaped tbsp nutritional yeast 1 tbsp cornstarch mixed with 1- 2 tbsp water Garlic salt to taste 1/4 cup apricot chutney Melted Vegan butter to brush Cookie cutters Method Add a generous dollop of olive oil to a pan, add in the diced red onion, and fry until fragrant,then add in the spices, balsamic vinegar, garlic salt, and honey. Fry for 5 minutes beforeadding in the cauliflower. After another 5 minutes add in the butternut and brown rice and mash slightly with a fork so it comes together, add the Absolute zero Sauvignon blanc wine, and the cornstarch slurry until thickened and remove from the heat to cool. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius, lay out the puff pastry ( you can use two sheets if you like, just link the edges ), use a small cup or plate to measure out the center, slice 4-5 triangles out, to fold over. Use a large plate to measure the outer ring of the wreath, and slicedtriangles on the outer edge to fold over. Brush the inside of the wreath with some chutney, and add the filling in the center of thewreath, using 2-3 tbsp to make it equally thick on every edge. Fold over one of the centertriangles, then the outer, repeating until the triangles have wrapped up the filling. Cut out stars from the leftover puff pastry and use the vegan butter to make them stick on the wreath, brush the wreath with butter, and sprinkle nutritional yeast on top. Bake the wreath for 35-40 minutes until golden, and let it cool to lukewarm or roomthe temperature when serving. Photo Gallery Hope you love this beautiful and tasty dish paired with the perfect company! M*

Pumpkin puff pastry cheese ball

Recipe Gallery Share the Love Recipe 0 Prep Time 0 Cook Time Serves 2 4 – 6 People Difficulty  0 Beginner Ingredients 1 sheet of puff pastry (check ingredients for vegan-friendly) 1 cup vegan cream cheese or vegan feta  1/3 cup chopped mixed nuts, toasted if you like  1/4 cup cranberries of chopped dates  1 tsp nutritional yeast  1-2 tbsp raw honey or syrup  dash of cinnamon pinch of salt  melted coconut oil or butter to brush before baking  cinnamon stick  fruit and nuts to serve on snack platter  string  Method Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.  Lay out the puff pastry and measure out a circle, around a small plate size.  Mix the cheese ingredients and place them on to cling film roll into a ball and place in the fridge to set for a bit.  Add the cheese ball in the middle of the puff pastry and fold over the cheese ball. Use some string and wrap up until you have a pumpkin shape.  Place on to parchment paper lined tray brush with butter or oil and bake for about 20-25 minutes until brown, press in the cinnamon stick and remove to cool for a few minutes.  Serve with some honey or syrup on top, along with other snacking goodies and crackers.  Photo Gallery Hope you love this delicious snack! M*

Salted caramel apple galette

Recipe Gallery Share the Love Recipe 0 Prep Time 0 Cook Time Serves 4 4 – 6 People Difficulty  0 Beginner Ingredients 1 sheet puff pastry  3 cups peeled and sliced apples  1/2 cup coconut sugar  1/4 cup syrup  1-2 tbsp coconut oil or vegan butter  pink salt  ice. cream or whipped cream to serve  Method Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.  Spray a round cake or tart tin with non-stick spray. (around 30cm cake tin)  Sprinkle on the sugar and then drizzle on the syrup, add sprinkles of salt and cinnamon.  Layer the apples neatly and tightly knitted together, roll out the puff pastry over the tin tug in the edge, and slice off too much of the excess puff pastry.  Brush with a bit of butter sprinkle sugar and bake for about 30-35 minutes until golden and crispy on top.  Remove to cool and then flip over onto a plate, gently remove the tin, and serve the galette with ice cream and whipped coconut cream.  Photo Gallery Hope you love this amazing and super easy tart! M*

Spring vegetable quiche

Recipe Gallery Share the Love Recipe 0 Prep Time 0 Cook Time Serves 4 4 – 6 People Difficulty  0 Beginner Ingredients Base1 sheet puff pastry2 cups plant milk of choice1/3 cup lifestyle foods tapioca flour1/3 cup chickpea flour1/2 cup vegan cream cheese or cashew butter1/2 tsp dried oregano1/2 tsp dried fennelSalt and pepper to tasteFilling1/2 cup @lifestylefoods cooked quinoa1/2 cup steamed chopped finely diced broccoli1/2 cup cooked peas1 cup kale dicedVegan cheese Method 1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.2. Roll out the puff pastry and measure out on the round-tart tin you use. Line the base withparchment paper.3. Whisk together the milk, tapioca flour, chickpea flour, cream cheese or dip, herbs, salt andpepper.4. Add in the vegetables and the quinoa, then pour this mixture on to the puff pastry, add somevegan cheese on top. Bake for 35-40 minutes until set, let it chill before removing from the tartmould.5. Slice and enjoy! Photo Gallery Hope you love this deliciously light and flavourful recipe! M*