Olive oil chocolate chip cookies

Recipe Gallery Share the Love Recipe 0 Prep Time 0 Cook Time Serves 4 4 – 6 People Difficulty  0 Beginner Ingredients * 100 ml good quality olive oil* 115 g brown sugar or coconut sugar * 50 caster or sugar* ¼ cup non-dairy milk * 2 tsp vanilla extract* 100 g plain all-purpose flour* 100 g […]

Chocolate marble banana bread

Chocolate marble banana bread is just another love declaration to my all time favorite baked bread ever. I have made so many variations and every time that one is my favorite, but I have to say banana and chocolate go so well together. And most people would say chocolate goes well with most deserty things, but banana is the perfect dance partner!  This bread is especially yum because within every bite you get a melty bit of chocolate, who can say no to that?