
Prep Time
Cook Time
4 - 6 People
Serves 4
Difficulty  0


  • Base
    1 cup rolled or quick oats (GF if you like)
  • 1/2 cup buckwheat groats
  • 1 cup brown or Medjool dates (or sub with 1/3 cup liquid sweetener)
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp nut butter
  • Pinch of salt
  • Dash of vanilla extract

Date caramel

  • 2 cups brown dates soaked until super soft
  • 1/2 cup nut butter to blend
  • Pinch of salt
  • Dash of cinnamon or vanilla extract
  • Roasted hazelnuts
  • Melted chocolate to top
  • Sea salt flakes


  1. Process the oats and buckwheat in a blender until you have a crumb-like flour, add the dates and the coconut oil and pulse again until slightly combined, then add in the nut butter, salt, and vanilla plus a bit of water or milk until your base dough is nice and combined. Press into molds and freeze!
  2. Drain the brown dates and blend with the nut butter salt and vanilla, add some milk to smooth out, and add 1-2 tbsp of the date caramel onto the Snickers base!
  3. Toast the hazelnut, remove the skin, and chop and add to the date caramel. Freeze again
  4. Melt the chocolate and top onto the bars, add more hazelnuts and some seasoning salt. 5. Store the bars in the freezer and enjoy! 