Beet mushroom ravioli
Beet mushroom ravioli is a trying yet super rewarding dish! This dish is so delicious, filled with a creamy mushroom filling. Fried crispy, topped with flavourful thyme butter. Fry, drizzle, slice top with more butter and enjoy! YUM!
Almond praline chocolate eggs
Almond praline chocolate eggs are just what I’d like for breakfast every day, just kidding. These though take a bit of effort to make but they are soooo worth it. They are 100% vegan tempered chocolate eggs, made with the best fait maison ingredients you can think off.
Vegan Hertzoggie tart
Vegan Hertzoggie tart has been on my mind for ages. Hertzoggies is one of my absolute favorite South African desserts ever. They usually come in a small cookie form and is enjoyed over tea and chats late afternoon. I certainly love this tart almost as much as the actual cookies. I have made a smaller cookie version too that I will share with you very soon, but for now this delish tart will take over your taste buds.
Blueberry pear crumble
Blueberry pear crumble is a comfy alternative to my usual green smoothie lately. Since spring is nowhere to be seen and Castres is dreary and rainy like usual. I need a pick me up because I just can’t take this rain anymore. This blueberry pear crumble is just so yum, because first of all, it has creamy almond butter in, alongside with sweet pear and tangy blueberry. Absolutely yum!
Starting your life France
Starting your life in France is just my summary of our four-year journey so far. If you’re one of the lucky ones moving to France then this post is for you. The four-year mark of us moving here will be rolling around November and I certainly can’t believe how fast it has gone and how much I have learned and am still learning. Come and read more about how to survive and actually live well in France as a foreigner.
An Unexpected Birth plan
An unexpected birth plan was my birth plan indeed, read a bit more about my experience on my exceeding my due date, being induced and finally having a cesarean.